Dreams of a Lifetime - Stories, Vol. 1
Bruce Adam
ISBN 0-9661318-1-9
247 pages
Paperback - Fictions, Short Stories
Price: $16.95
June, 2004
Midwest Book Review
Clearly and copiously documenting Bruce Adam as a master of the short story, Dreams of a Lifetime anthologizes eighty-nine of his always engaging, often provocative, dependably original, and carefully crafted tales. From “Jungle Dreams,” “The Two Sides of an Abortion,” and “The Mystic Collective” to “The Internal Recorder,” “The Cover-up” and the titled piece, “Dreams of a Lifetime,” this is a collection that will leave Bruce Adam’s readers waiting eagerly for more!
Ford Russell, author of Northrop Frye on Myth
What connects the “dreams” in this collection is the bittersweet emptiness that comprises so much of lived experience of our time. These dreams, for readers, are crystals from the opaque depths, which help us to see and to excavate, at the level of articulation, parables of our interior life.